Blessings in Infertility
It can be so hard to see the blessings when going through infertility. It can feel at times that nothing is working out and you really have to be patient. It feels like you are waiting and waiting and there is no light at the end of that tunnel. But there are so many things that we can learn as we are waiting and being patient. It can be a blessing to know that it is going to take some time to get all the medical things lined up before having a baby. This time gives you the chance to prepare. We can prepare in many ways. One way is preparing our living space. We make tentative arrangements are brainstorm ideas of where we would put a baby. The next things that we can do is prepare our relationship. Most people know that a relationship changes a lot after having a baby. You are exhausted and emotionally drained often that it can be difficult to do things for yourself and your relationship after having a baby. Some people observe that marital satisfaction is highest in the "ho...